Race Results 2007 - Club Members


Open Men                  50+ Men B       
Bryan Chow      23:19     Ron Kiyono        28:40 
Mike Bordoni    25:14     Brian Conroy      28:09 
Scott Bang      25:36     Dino Delyani      29:16 
Matt Tompkins   24:33     Norry Mcallister  27:10    
              1:38:42 3rd                 1:53:15 4th
40+ Men A                 50+ Men C       
Mike Kriege     26:14     Norm Takeuchi     33:08 
Al Murray       26:24     Joe Johnson       30:27 
Dave Piazza     26:38     Paul Armstrong    35:27 
Matt Nolan      25:48     Paul Taylor       29:12 
              1:46:53* 5th                2:08:14 
40+ Men B                 60+ Men     
Dave Woodruff   27:06     Joe Hurtado       30:42 
Jeff Rohrer     27:58     Dick Chimenti     30:47 
Frank Prabel    28:03     Jim Howe          28:55 
Bob Pickens     29:08     Bill Dunn         27:41    
              1:52:15 7th                 1:58:05 1st
40+ Men C                 Open Women      
Mike Kolesnik   32:40     Becki Kriege      26:32 
Dave McIntyre   32:34     Laura Melendez    30:15 
Kris Petersen   33:03     Helen Wong        32:36 
Al Murray       28:40     Amanda Gerhardt   29:21    
              2:06:57                     1:58:44 4th
50+ Men A                 Couples     
Tom O'Connor    27:17     Uyenthi Tran      34:01 
Jim Bordoni     28:10     Mandy Benham      35:16
Mike Dyer       26:21     Jim Bordoni       31:03
Brian Davis     26:06     Aaron Lee         29:14
              1:47:54 2nd                 2:09:34

*  Lost 1:49 on a handoff               

Division        # of Awards     Record      
    Open Men    8 Awards        1:24:22     
B = Open Women  4 Awards        1:40:08     
H = 40+ Men     5 Awards        1:34:27     
L = 50+ Men     3 Awards        1:42:17     
K = 60+ Men     2 Awards        1:54:07     
S = Couples     6 Awards        1:39:06

12/2/07 - Cal Intl Marathon

      65    Andy Williams   2:46:33 6th-45+
     204    Magnus Wiklund  2:59:22
     307    Tom O'Connor    3:06:31
     383    Jim Howe        3:09:09 3rd-60+
     423    Dave Woodruff   3:11:02
     536    Missy Sudan     3:16:07
     562    Joe Hurtado     3:17:44 2nd-65+
     635    Todd Hayes      3:19:52 10th-55+
    1026    Carl Petersen   3:32:06 1st-70+
    1144    Jim Magill      3:32:42
    3714    Kat Powell      4:37:56
    4058    Eddie Reyna     4:59:11 2nd-75+

11/10/07 - Clarksburg 30K

Brian Davis     1:54:38.0    1st-50/59
Tom O'Connor    2:04:01.0    3rd-50/59
Jim Howe        2:06:26.0    2nd-60/69
Dave Piazza     2:08:54.0   14th-40/49
Laura Melendez  2:19:15.0    3rd-20/29
Joe Hurtado     2:19:59.0    5th-60/69
Carl Petersen   2:28:24.0    1st-70/79
Joe Johnson     2:29:59.0   13th-50/59
Bob Schmitt     2:55:55.0   15th-60/69
Kat Powell      3:01:27.0    9th-50/59
Eddie Reyna     3:16:57.0    3rd-70/79

Brian Davis broke the National 30K age 52 record for this distance with his 1:54:38.

10/21/07 - Humboldt Half Marathon

Dennis Kurtis   1:19:31 1st-50+
Brian Davis     1:20:49 2nd-50+
Tom O'Connor    1:24:16 6th-50+
Joe Hurtado     1:35:04 2nd-65+
Joe Johnson     1:38:32 5th-55+
Carl Petersen   1:38:40 4th-65+
Kat Powell      1:56:05 7th-55+

9/23/07 - National Masters 10K

 21 Dennis Kurtis   53  M   34:31.7 1st-50/54
 47 Brian Davis     52  M   36:53.4
 48 Al Murray       49  M   37:02.4
 59 Tom O'Connor    51  M   37:52.5
 72 David Woodruff  49  M   38:55.8
 79 Bill Dunn       60  M   39:06.1 4th-60/64
 87 Jim Howe        61  M   39:31.8 5th-60/64
 91 Jim Bordoni     54  M   40:09.5
 94 Ron Kiyono      59  M   40:23.9
113 Neal Chappell   68  M   42:48.1 2nd-65/69
116 Joe Hurtado     66  M   43:03.0 3rd-65/69
117 Joe Johnson     58  M   43:28.8
131 Bob Schmitt     65  M   46:13.2
154 Kat Powell      56  F   53:16.1
161 Eddie Reyna     77  M   56:57.0 1st-75/79
163 Glynn Wood      73  M   57:53.1 2nd-70/74
169 Ed Singleton    76  M   62:56.2 3rd-75/79

It appears that our 50+ team was the top finisher from the Pacific Association and we may be the national champions. Our 60+ team appears to be the national champion. Our 70+ team was the top Pacific Association team and may be the national champion.

9/16/07 - Banana Chase 5K

Bryan Chow      16:04    2nd-16+
Dennis Kurtis   16:48    1st-50+
Al Murray       17:29    8th-45+
Brian Davis     17:30    3rd-50+
Ben Rosales     18:04   12th-45+
Alp Mimaroglu   18:11    7th-16+
Tom O'Connor    18:13    6th-50+
David Woodruff  18:40   15th-45+
Jim Bordoni     18:40    8th-50+
Norry McAllistr 18:46    9th-50+
Bill Dunn       18:50    2nd-60+
Jim Howe        19:04    4th-60+
Mike Smith      19:06   10th-40+
Ron Kiyono      19:23    5th-55+
David McIntyre  20:07   20th-45+
Aaron Lee       20:11   14th-30+
Mark Goldman    20:22    7th-55+
Art Mitchum     20:51   10th-55+
Neal Chappel    20:59    2nd-65+
Joe Hurtado     21:04    3rd-65+
Joe Johnson     21:04   12th-55+
Bob Pickens     21:18   23rd-45+
Carl Petersen   21:27    4th-65+
Norm Takeuchi   21:36   12th-50+
Bob Schmitt     22:06    6th-65+
Ed Reyna        28:17    1st-75+
Becki Kriege                18:39    2nd-40+
Laura Melendez              18:56    5th-20+
Missy Sudan                 19:08    3rd-35+
Helen Wong                  21:51    9th-35+
Lesley Muller               22:39   11th-25+
Kelly Emo                   22:17   14th-40+
Mandy Benham                23:53   11th-45+
Uyenthi Tran                23:54   20th-30+
Ruby Hurtado                32:37    5th-65+
Janneth Vickers-Mitchum     36:00   32nd-45+

6/23/07 - Shriner's 8K

 33 Dennis Kurtis   27:25   1st-50+
 52 Andy Lief       28:39   
 65 Mike Kriege     29:02   
 69 Al Murray       29:06   
 77 Brian Davis     29:25   
 87 Bob Pickens     29:58   
 99 Tom O'Connor    30:40   
109 Missy Sudan     31:04   2nd-35+
110 Tony Scardina   31:06   
111 Bill Dunn       31:06   2nd-55+
123 Ron Kiyono      31:33   5th-55+
125 Johanna Fogolin 31:41   4th-25+
128 Jim Howe        31:49   4th-60+
132 Dwight Cornwell 31:56   5th-60+
138 Alp Mimaroglu   32:08   5th-16+
161 Laura Melendez  33:19   2nd-20+
183 Dick Chimenti   34:18   
192 Joe Hurtado     34:48   1st-65+
217 Joe Johnson     36:13   
355 John Pickens    43:57   
385 Ed Reyna        46:20   3rd-75+
416 Ed Singleton    48:19   4th-75+

Our 40+ men may have finished 4th, our 50+ men may have finished 2nd, and our 60+ men may have finished 1st. We had no other complete teams but will be able to score an open men's team with our extra 40+, 50+, and 60+ runners.

6/3/07 - Don Bowden Mile

Mike Bordoni        4:37.0
Bryan Chow          4:40.5      3rd-14+                         
Bob Pickens         4:47.8                          
Mike Kriege         5:01.0                          
Dennis Kurtis       5:05.0      5th-50+                 
Jim Bordoni         5:08.1                          
Tom O'Connor        5:17.6                          
Jeff Rohrer         5:18.6                          
Mike Smith          5:29.6                          
Bill Dunn           5:29.6      2nd-55+                 
Brian Davis         5:31.9                          
Art Mitchum         5:33.4      4th-55+                 
Ron Kiyono          5:38.7                          
Dick Chimenti       5:59.4                          
Mike Kolesniki      6:03.6          
Joe Johnson         6:11.6          
Rich Hahn           6:18.2          
Joe Hurtado         6:20.2      2nd-65+ 
Eddie Reyna         8:26.4      2nd-75+ 
Ken Napier          8:34.4      3rd-75+ 
Ed Singleton        8:53.2      4th-75+ 

Johanna Fogolin     5:23.4          
Becki Kriege        5:28.1      4th-40+ 
Missy Sudan         5:31.2      1st-35+ 
Danielle Zelinski   5:39.5          
Laura Melendez      5:51.5

Our 40+ men may have finished 3rd. Our 50+ men may have finished 1st. Our 60+ men had an incomplete team. Our 70+ men probably finished 1st. Our open women may have finished 3rd. The finishing place of our open men is unknown.

5/28/07 - Marin Memorial Day 10K

  11    Bryan Chow          32:32   2nd-13+
  36    Ole Agesen          34:39
  54    Dennis Kurtis       35:40   2nd-50+
  60    Bob Pickens         36:04
  62    Mike Kriege         36:11
  77    Al Murray           36:58
  86    Becki Kriege        37:19   1st-40+
  92    Brian Davis         37:41
  98    Alp Mimaroglu       37:53   5th-13+
 102    Dave Piazza         38:02
 105    Jeff Rohrer         38:10
 108    Tom O'Connor        38:12
 122    Missy Sudan         39:02
 137    Norry McAllister    39:37
 149    Jim Howe            40:15   3rd-60+
 153    Aaron Lee           40:23
 165    Dino Delyani        40:46
 177    Bill Dunn           41:16   4th-55+
 221    Bob Schmitt         43:17   2nd-65+
 223    Marian Richard      43:19   5th-45+
 235    Joe Hurtado         43:57   5th-65+
 238    Steve Chamberlin    43:58
 253    Laura Melendez      44:45
 282    Dave Norlander      46:13
 285    Carol Bednar        46:28
 287    Joe Johnson         46:35
 311    Jeff Bedolla        48:15
 329    Gina Krieg          49:40
 332    Uyenthi Tran        49:45
 418    Kat Powell          55:30
 435    Eddie Reyna         56:45   1st-75+
 486    Ed Singleton        61:40   3rd-75+

17-year-old Bryan Chow led 32 club members with a fast 32:32 time. Ole led our 40+ men runners. Dennis Kurtis led our 50+ runners. Jim Howe led our 60+ runners. Eddie Reyna led our 70+ runners. Becki Kriege led all of our women while finishing first in the 40+ division. Our men's 40+ team probably finished 3rd, our men's 50+ team probably finished first, and our men's 60+ team probably finished 2nd. We had 8 women runners. So, we may be able to put together an open women's team and a 40+ team.

5/28/07 - Marin Memorial Day 2.5N
  30    Rich Hahn           17:25   5th-40+

4/29/07 - Zippy 5K

 13 Missy Sudan         18:33
 64 Danielle Zelinski   20:55
 80 Carol Bedmar        21:31
135 Georgia Riley       26:42

 39 Mike Bordoni    16:34
 49 Bob Pickens     16:54
 50 Ole Agesen      16:55
 65 Dennis Kurtis   17:20
 75 Brian Davis     17:43
 80 Al Murray       17:50
 90 Dave Piazza     18:05
 96 Jeff Rohrer     18:27
104 Tom O'Conner    18:36
105 Jim Bordoni     18:39
113 BillDunn        19:04
115 Mike Smith      19:08
118 David Woodruff  19:14
121 Ron Kiyono      19:27
123 Jim Anderson    19:29
133 Jim Howe        19:55
135 Dino Delyani    19:57
141 Dave McIntyre   20:08
144 Art Mitchum     20:15
154 Bob Schmitt     20:51
159 Joe Hurtado     21:22
162 Carl Petersen   21:49
166 Joe Johnson     21:58
186 Chris Cassell   23:49
198 Tim Riley       28:09
199 Eddie Reyna     28:23
206 Ed Singleton    30:48

3/18/07 - Across the Bay 12K

  54    Matt Nolan          43:34.0 4th-45+
  70    Dennis Kurtis       44:58.0 2nd-50+
  88    Bob Pickens         46:10.0 
  93    Jeff Rohrer         46:27.0 
  97    Al Murray           46:38.0 
 101    Brian Davis         46:43.0 
 111    Dave Piazza         47:20.0 
 113    Missy Sudan         47:23.0 3rd-35+
 130    Dan Anderson        48:12.0 
 132    Tom O'Connor        48:15.0 
 135    Mike Smith          48:25.0
 138    Jim Bordoni         48:29.0 
 156    Ron Blancas         49:14.0 
 158    Ron Kiyono          49:29.0 4th-55+
 164    Norry McAllister    49:46.0 
 174    Johanna Fogolin     50:00.0 
 196    Dino Delyani        50:52.0 
 203    Aaron Lee           51:17.0 
 215    Art Mitchum         51:42.0 
 271    Joe Hurtado         53:29.0 2nd-65+
 276    Mike Krey           53:34.0 
 288    Bob Schmitt         53:52.0 4th-65+
 302    Marian Richard      54:13.0 
 316    Carol Bednar        54:32.0 
 346    Rich Hahn           55:17.0 
 361    Helen Wong          55:33.0 
 362    Steve Chamberlin    55:36.0 
 365    Carl Petersen       55:39.0 
 381    Mike Kolesnik       55:55.0 
 407    Norm Takeuchi       56:34.0 
 414    Kelly Emo           56:39.0 
 419    Joe Johnson         56:51.0 
 439    Dave McIntyre       57:19.0 
 649    Uyenthi Tran        61:25.0 
 750    Elaine Erickson     62:55.0 
 761    Angela Stearns      63:06.0 
 820    Christine Blue      63:54.0 
1057    John Peterson       67:14.0 
1128    Georgia Riley       68:20.0 3rd-60+
1163    Kat Powell          68:52.0 
1255    Eddie Reyna         70:17.0 2nd-75+
1592    Tim Riley           75:41.0 
2308    Ruby Hurtado        93:25.0 

3/3/07 - Nor Cal 10 in Redding

 26 Andy Lief       1:00:21 
 39 Scott Bang      1:02:45 4th-35+
 45 Al Murray       1:04:44 
 60 Tom O'Connor    1:07:20 4th-50+
 63 Ron Kiyono      1:07:36 4th-55+
 73 Jim Bordoni     1:08:54 5th-50+
 77 Bob Pickens     1:09:46 
 98 Joe Hurtado     1:11:53 2nd-65+
104 Bob Schmitt     1:12:44 3rd-65+
111 Mike Kobesnik   1:14:00 
123 Marian Richard  1:15:57 3rd-45+
124 Carl Petersen   1:16:00 4th-65+
161 Joe Johnson     1:22:59
165 Dave Norlander  1:23:38 5th-65+
220 Kat Powell      1:39:22 4th-55+
226 Eddie Reyna     1:40:44 1st-75+

Our 40+ men probably finished 3rd and our 50+ and 60+ men probably finished 2nd. We did not have any other complete teams.