USATF Race Results 2018 - Club Members

12/2/18 - California International Marathon

   Jonathan Kimura   2:37:12 (Excelsior)
   Juan Rivera       2:52:41
   Jørn T. Jensen    2:59:39
   Raymond Rodriguez 3:03:44 - 11th  M55-59
   Calvin Do         3:05:00 (Pacer)
   Emanuel Lee       3:14:32  PR
   Robert Plumeau    3:19:11
   Tom Lockhart      3:38:57
   Todd Hayes        3:56:31 - 10th M65-69
   Glenn Kishi       4:20:46
   Nancy Eubanks     3:25:44
   Dalila Rodriguez  4:04:33
   Kat Powell        5:23:39 - 11th W65-69

7/4/18 - Freedom Fest 5K

    27 Juan Rivera      16:57
    40 Jorn T. Jensen   17:33
    56 Roberto Palos    18:15
    58 George Cross     18:27
    72 Scott Bang       18:48
    80 Dwayne Spencer   19:07
    91 Norry Mcallister 19:29 - 2nd 60+
    92 Brian Davis      19:34 - 3rd 60+
   103 Dino Delyani     20:04 - 5th 60+
   110 Kristina Park    20:15
   120 Nancy Eubanks    20:40
   134 Aaron Lee        21:12
   140 Thomas O'Connor  21:34
   141 Missy Sudan      21:37
   145 Tom Lockhart     21:46
   148 Mike Krey        21:50
   187 Norm Takeuchi    23:37
   199 Mark Goldman     24:25
   204 Dalila Rodriguez 24:34
   232 Kelly Emo        25:34 - 5th 50+
   243 Glenn Kishi      25:52
   380 Brian Conroy     33:08
   630 Dave Norlander   72:11

6/24/18 - One Mile Bang

Place   First     Last       Age  Sex   Time  Top 10 AG
   47   Jorn T.   Jensen     49    M    4:55  7th 40-49
   60   Joseph    Aubuchon   37    M    5:00
   69   Scott     Bang       50    M    5:06  8th 50+
   90   Norry     McAllister 61    M    5:19
   101  Kristina  Park       47    F    5:23  5th 40+
   104  Dwayne    Spencer    52    M    5:26
   107  Raymond   Rodriguez  56    M    5:29
   120  Bjorn     Samson     40    M    5:34
   123  Brian     Davis      62    M    5:37
   129  Dino      Delyani    61    M    5:40
   149  Thomas    O'Connor   62    M    6:06
   150  Melissa   Sudan      48    F    6:09
   151  Robert    Navarrete  61    M    6:10
   156  Robert    Pickens    57    M    6:16
   157  Heather   Rohrer     23    F    6:18
   159  Venkata   Nambula    41    M    6:18
   161  Mike      Krey       63    M    6:23
   169  David     McIntyre   56    M    6:38
   174  Dalila    Rodriguez  47    F    6:50
   178  Mark      Goldman    68    M    7:07
   183  Kelly     Emo        53    F    7:16
   190  Zoe       McAllister 16    F    7:29
   192  Anjali    Sudan      13    F    7:33
   193  Ranjeet   Sudan      55    M    7:34
   195  Nicky     McAllister 56    F    7:38
   197  Glenn     Kishi      56    M    7:45
   198  Neil      Gelblum    67    M    7:46
   204  Kat       Powell     67    F    8:23 
   206  Bob       Lord       79    M    8:31
   218  Bill      Dodson     83    M   10:20
   221  David     Norlander  79    M   11:20

6/9/18 - Across the Bay 12K

 Runner 		       Time   Age Group
 Jorn T. Jensen       45:55   40-45
 Brian Davis          49:12   60-64    1st 60-69
 Dwayne Spencer       52:23   50-54 
 Michael Krey         55:23   60-64    6th 60-69
 Robert Navarrete     56:29   60-64    7th 60-69
 Glenn Kishi        1:06:03   55-59 
 Kelly Emo          1:07:01   50-54 
 Kat Powell         1:12:16   65-69

Frist place for the super-seniors

5/6/18 - Mile of Truth, Danville

   Jorn T. Jensen      5:07, 7th  M40+
   Scott Bang          5:22, 5th  M50+
   Raymond  Rodriguez  5:35, 11th M50+
   Norry McAllister    5:39, 13th M50+
   Brian Davis         5:43, 14th M50+
   Dwayne Spencer      5:45, 16th M50+
   Bjorn Samson        5:49, 17th M40+
   John Mintz          6:35, 30th M50+
   Dalila Rodriguez    7:12, 28th W40+

4/29/18 - Stow Lake Stampede 5K

        Runner            Gun Times
    42  Jorn T. Jensen    17:24, 2nd 45-49
    96  George Cross      18:28, 3rd 50-54
   105  Scott Bang        18:40
   108  Raymond Rodriguez 18:48, 3rd 55-59
   124  Dwayne Spencer    19:07  DEBUT
   127  Brian Davis       19:09, 2nd 60-64
   150  Norry McAllister  19:43
   151  Emanuel Lee       19:44  DEBUT
   156  Dino Delyani      19:56
   192  Aaron Lee         21:07
   198  Melissa Sudan     21:23
   199  Mike Krey         21:27
   209  Robert Navarrete  21:40
   280  Dalila Rodriguez  24:32
   315  Carol Bednar      26:40
   386  Bob Lord          32:01, 3rd 75-79
   412  Bill Dodson       36:25, 3rd 80+ (Tamalpa)

4/8/18 - SacTown 10M

Gender                                Age      Age
Place   Name               Chip Time  Place    Group   Pace
 55     Jorn T. Jensen     1:00:26 	6th     45-49   6:03 
 81     George Cross       1:04:38 	4th     50-54   6:28
 89     Brian Davis        1:05:55 	2nd     60-64   6:36
 91     Scott Bang         1:06:17 	7th     50-54   6:38
100     Ken Camet          1:08:54 	5th     55-59   6:53
111     Tom O'Connor       1:11:34 	5th     60-64   7:10
112     Raymond  Rodriguez 1:11:38 	8th     55-59   7:10
218     Glenn Kishi        1:31:22    23rd     55-59   9:08

 58     Nancy Eubanks      1:11:47 	4th     40-44   7:11
 98     Dalila Rodriguez   1:21:29 	8th     45-49   8:09
125     Catherine Frye     1:26:28    12th     55-59   8:39
204     Kat Powell         1:38:11 	4th     65-69   9:50

3/3/18 – NORCAL 10-Mile Road Championship

Place Name                   Age          Time      Pace
32   Jorn T Jensen          48          00:59:26  5:57
56   Raymond Rodriguez      56         01:02:34  6:16
 79   Scott Bang             49           01:07:08  6:43
 87   Brian Davis            62           01:08:10  6:49
 91   Ken Camet              56         01:09:26  6:57
 97   Thomas O'Connor        62         01:13:00  7:18
30   Dalila Rodriguez       47           01:25:40  8:34

3/11/18 - Reach for a Star 5K

  37 Jorn T Jensen    17:24 -  3rd M45-49
  74 Brian Davis      19:51 -  4th M60-64
  75 Norry McAllister 19:53 -  5th M60-64 
  77 Ken Camet        20:18 -  5th M55-59
  83 Tom O'Connor     21:16 -  8th M60-64
  84 Robert Navarrete 21:40 -  9th M60-64
  88 Mike Krey        21:52 - 11th M60-64
 109 Glenn Kishi      25:09 -  9th M55-59
 117 Bob Lord         30:47 -  2nd M75-79
 121 Dave Norlander   32:02 -  3rd M75-79
 126 Bill Dodson      38:46 -  3rd M80-84
  46 Missy Sudan      21:23 -  5th F45-49
  77 Kelly Emo        25:31 - 10th F50-54
  79 Carol Bednar     25:45 - 11th F50-54

2/4/18 - Super Sunday 10K

   Jorn T Jensen       35:38 - 5th  M40-49
   Raymond Rodriguez   37:50 - 2nd  M50-59
   Norry McAllister    40:46 - 4th  M60+
   Brian Davis         41:52 - 7th  M60+
   Dino Delyani        41:55 - 8th  M60+
   Ken Camet           42:16 - 18th M50-59
   Robert Navarrete    45:41 - 15th M60+
   Norm Takeuchi       49:19
   Dalila Rodriguez    49:56
   Glenn Kishi         55:39
   Kat Powell        1:00:06
   Tom O'Connor      1:32:33

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