12/2/18 - California International Marathon
Jonathan Kimura 2:37:12 (Excelsior) Juan Rivera 2:52:41 Jørn T. Jensen 2:59:39 Raymond Rodriguez 3:03:44 - 11th M55-59 Calvin Do 3:05:00 (Pacer) Emanuel Lee 3:14:32 PR Robert Plumeau 3:19:11 Tom Lockhart 3:38:57 Todd Hayes 3:56:31 - 10th M65-69 Glenn Kishi 4:20:46
Nancy Eubanks 3:25:44 Dalila Rodriguez 4:04:33 Kat Powell 5:23:39 - 11th W65-69
7/4/18 - Freedom Fest 5K
27 Juan Rivera 16:57 40 Jorn T. Jensen 17:33 56 Roberto Palos 18:15 58 George Cross 18:27 72 Scott Bang 18:48 80 Dwayne Spencer 19:07 91 Norry Mcallister 19:29 - 2nd 60+ 92 Brian Davis 19:34 - 3rd 60+ 103 Dino Delyani 20:04 - 5th 60+ 110 Kristina Park 20:15 120 Nancy Eubanks 20:40 134 Aaron Lee 21:12 140 Thomas O'Connor 21:34 141 Missy Sudan 21:37 145 Tom Lockhart 21:46 148 Mike Krey 21:50 187 Norm Takeuchi 23:37 199 Mark Goldman 24:25 204 Dalila Rodriguez 24:34 232 Kelly Emo 25:34 - 5th 50+ 243 Glenn Kishi 25:52 380 Brian Conroy 33:08 630 Dave Norlander 72:11
6/24/18 - One Mile Bang
Place First Last Age Sex Time Top 10 AG 47 Jorn T. Jensen 49 M 4:55 7th 40-49 60 Joseph Aubuchon 37 M 5:00 69 Scott Bang 50 M 5:06 8th 50+ 90 Norry McAllister 61 M 5:19 101 Kristina Park 47 F 5:23 5th 40+ 104 Dwayne Spencer 52 M 5:26 107 Raymond Rodriguez 56 M 5:29 120 Bjorn Samson 40 M 5:34 123 Brian Davis 62 M 5:37 129 Dino Delyani 61 M 5:40 149 Thomas O'Connor 62 M 6:06 150 Melissa Sudan 48 F 6:09 151 Robert Navarrete 61 M 6:10 156 Robert Pickens 57 M 6:16 157 Heather Rohrer 23 F 6:18 159 Venkata Nambula 41 M 6:18 161 Mike Krey 63 M 6:23 169 David McIntyre 56 M 6:38 174 Dalila Rodriguez 47 F 6:50 178 Mark Goldman 68 M 7:07 183 Kelly Emo 53 F 7:16 190 Zoe McAllister 16 F 7:29 192 Anjali Sudan 13 F 7:33 193 Ranjeet Sudan 55 M 7:34 195 Nicky McAllister 56 F 7:38 197 Glenn Kishi 56 M 7:45 198 Neil Gelblum 67 M 7:46 204 Kat Powell 67 F 8:23 206 Bob Lord 79 M 8:31 218 Bill Dodson 83 M 10:20 221 David Norlander 79 M 11:20
6/9/18 - Across the Bay 12K
Runner Time Age Group Jorn T. Jensen 45:55 40-45 Brian Davis 49:12 60-64 1st 60-69 Dwayne Spencer 52:23 50-54 Michael Krey 55:23 60-64 6th 60-69 Robert Navarrete 56:29 60-64 7th 60-69 Glenn Kishi 1:06:03 55-59 Kelly Emo 1:07:01 50-54 Kat Powell 1:12:16 65-69
Frist place for the super-seniors
5/6/18 - Mile of Truth, Danville
Jorn T. Jensen 5:07, 7th M40+ Scott Bang 5:22, 5th M50+ Raymond Rodriguez 5:35, 11th M50+ Norry McAllister 5:39, 13th M50+ Brian Davis 5:43, 14th M50+ Dwayne Spencer 5:45, 16th M50+ Bjorn Samson 5:49, 17th M40+ John Mintz 6:35, 30th M50+ Dalila Rodriguez 7:12, 28th W40+
4/29/18 - Stow Lake Stampede 5K
Runner Gun Times 42 Jorn T. Jensen 17:24, 2nd 45-49 96 George Cross 18:28, 3rd 50-54 105 Scott Bang 18:40 108 Raymond Rodriguez 18:48, 3rd 55-59 124 Dwayne Spencer 19:07 DEBUT 127 Brian Davis 19:09, 2nd 60-64 150 Norry McAllister 19:43 151 Emanuel Lee 19:44 DEBUT 156 Dino Delyani 19:56 192 Aaron Lee 21:07 198 Melissa Sudan 21:23 199 Mike Krey 21:27 209 Robert Navarrete 21:40 280 Dalila Rodriguez 24:32 315 Carol Bednar 26:40 386 Bob Lord 32:01, 3rd 75-79 412 Bill Dodson 36:25, 3rd 80+ (Tamalpa)
4/8/18 - SacTown 10M
Gender Age Age Place Name Chip Time Place Group Pace 55 Jorn T. Jensen 1:00:26 6th 45-49 6:03 81 George Cross 1:04:38 4th 50-54 6:28 89 Brian Davis 1:05:55 2nd 60-64 6:36 91 Scott Bang 1:06:17 7th 50-54 6:38 100 Ken Camet 1:08:54 5th 55-59 6:53 111 Tom O'Connor 1:11:34 5th 60-64 7:10 112 Raymond Rodriguez 1:11:38 8th 55-59 7:10 218 Glenn Kishi 1:31:22 23rd 55-59 9:08 58 Nancy Eubanks 1:11:47 4th 40-44 7:11 98 Dalila Rodriguez 1:21:29 8th 45-49 8:09 125 Catherine Frye 1:26:28 12th 55-59 8:39 204 Kat Powell 1:38:11 4th 65-69 9:50
3/3/18 – NORCAL 10-Mile Road Championship
Place Name Age Time Pace MEN
32 Jorn T Jensen 48 00:59:26 5:57
56 Raymond Rodriguez 56 01:02:34 6:16
79 Scott Bang 49 01:07:08 6:43
87 Brian Davis 62 01:08:10 6:49
91 Ken Camet 56 01:09:26 6:57
97 Thomas O'Connor 62 01:13:00 7:18
30 Dalila Rodriguez 47 01:25:40 8:34
3/11/18 - Reach for a Star 5K
MEN 37 Jorn T Jensen 17:24 - 3rd M45-49 74 Brian Davis 19:51 - 4th M60-64 75 Norry McAllister 19:53 - 5th M60-64 77 Ken Camet 20:18 - 5th M55-59 83 Tom O'Connor 21:16 - 8th M60-64 84 Robert Navarrete 21:40 - 9th M60-64 88 Mike Krey 21:52 - 11th M60-64 109 Glenn Kishi 25:09 - 9th M55-59 117 Bob Lord 30:47 - 2nd M75-79 121 Dave Norlander 32:02 - 3rd M75-79 126 Bill Dodson 38:46 - 3rd M80-84
WOMEN 46 Missy Sudan 21:23 - 5th F45-49 77 Kelly Emo 25:31 - 10th F50-54 79 Carol Bednar 25:45 - 11th F50-54
2/4/18 - Super Sunday 10K
Jorn T Jensen 35:38 - 5th M40-49 Raymond Rodriguez 37:50 - 2nd M50-59 Norry McAllister 40:46 - 4th M60+ Brian Davis 41:52 - 7th M60+ Dino Delyani 41:55 - 8th M60+ Ken Camet 42:16 - 18th M50-59 Robert Navarrete 45:41 - 15th M60+ Norm Takeuchi 49:19 Dalila Rodriguez 49:56 Glenn Kishi 55:39 Kat Powell 1:00:06 Tom O'Connor 1:32:33