Club Saturday Workouts

1 Joseph AuBuchon 17:50
2 Dwayne Spencer 19:26
3 Radha Nambula 19:56
4 Travis Koh 20:13
5 Kristina Park 20:26
6 Andy Williams 21:05
7 Lin Sun 21:32 PR 5 sec
8 Marco Jaimes 22:12
9 Missy Sudan 22:24
10 Zhejun Zhang 22:39 Tied PR
11 Luke AuBuchon 22:49 PR 19 sec
12 Bob Kemp 23:44
13 Norm Takeuchi 25:47
14 Danny Moon 28:57
15 Nancy Kirk 37:01
16 Paul Taylor 37:01
17 Willie Liu 40:31
18 Don Packwood 47:15
19 Bob Lord 59:58
1/25/25 5k on the track
1 Joseph Aubuchon 17:56
2 Matt Bordoni 18:26
3 Travis Koh 18:55
4 Radha Nambula 20:05
5 Kristina Park 21:02
6 Saturo Miyoshi 21:13
7 Scott Bang 21:24
8 Marco Jaimes 21:32
9 Aaron Lee 22:01
10 Lin Sun 22:13
11 Missy Sudan 22:30
12 Joe Cohn 22:52
13 Ken Camet 23:41
14 Zhejun Zhang 23:56
15 Eric Yep 24:29
16 Shreyas Nambula 24:38
17 Helen Wong 24:47
18 Brian Conroy 25:38
19 Danny Moon 26:20
20 Dave McIntyre 26:27
21 Lan Aubuchon 26:46
22 Todd Hayes 27:20
23 Hank Lawson 27:54
24 Lei Zhou 28:23
25 Hannah Harter 28:35
26 Joy Zhuge 29:46
27 Roman Nguyen 32:02
28 Yulian Yao 32:11
29 Jim Bordoni 39:15
30 Don Packwood 42:37
31 Willie Liu 46:21
WVZ Trophy Winner: Joseph Aubuchon
Hank celebrated his 70th birthday by running with us today and was happy with his performance. Geoff Bradley did a great job with stick distribution at the finish line despite not having any training. Joseph improved his time from 1/2024 (18:21). Radha improved his time from 6/2024 (20:38). Kristina led the women with 21:02.
1 Joseph AuBuchon 35:29
2 Jorn Jensen 35:33 moved to 4th 55+
3 Travis Koh 36:48 40+ PR 23 sec
4 Dwayne Spencer 39:19
5 Radha Nambula 39:49
6 Satoru Miyoshi 40:08
7 Kristina Park 40:38
8 Scott Bang 41:48
9 Lin Sun 42:59
10 Missy Sudan 43:20 moved to 2nd on 55+
11 Ken Camet 45:17
12 Elena De La Paz 45:44
13 Robert Navarrete 48:23
14 Helen Wong 48:23 50+ PR 15 sec
15 Todd Hayes 49:46 70+ PR 85 sec
16 Mike Krey 50:34 moved to 16th on 70+
17 Dave McIntyre 64:28
18 Nancy Kirk 72:31
19 Willie Liu 79:52
20 Don Packwood 82:59
21 Kat Powell 86:11
1/11/25 – 8 x 0.66M Loop Relay
Athlete Finish Start T1 T2 T3 T4 Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Lap4 Total rating Off
Scott Bang 1 6:30 10:50 19:30 27:59 36:26 4:20 4:25 4:20 4:18 17:23 18:00 -0:37
Kristina Park 1 - 15:05 23:39 32:08 40:30 4:15 4:09 4:09 4:04 16:37 17:30 -0:53
Shreyas Nambula 2 3:20 8:14 17:34 26:58 36:24 4:54 4:51 4:54 4:55 19:34 20:00 -0:26
Missy Sudan 2 - 12:43 22:04 31:29 40:53 4:29 4:30 4:31 4:29 17:59 18:40 -0:41
Helen Wong 3 3:00 8:18 18:05 27:33 36:57 5:18 5:21 5:06 4:52 20:37 21:00 -0:23
Andy Williams 3 - 12:44 22:27 32:05 41:23 4:26 4:22 4:32 4:26 17:46 18:00 -0:14
Yulian Yao 4 0:30 6:24 16:41 27:01 37:27 5:54 6:07 6:12 6:20 24:33 24:00 0:33
Radha Nambula 4 - 10:34 20:49 31:07 41:29 4:10 4:08 4:06 4:02 16:26 17:30 -1:04
Danny Moon 5 1:55 7:42 17:36 27:31 37:25 5:47 5:29 5:34 5:36 22:26 22:15 0:11
George Lo 5 - 12:07 21:57 31:49 41:39 4:25 4:21 4:18 4:14 17:18 17:50 -0:32
Bob Kemp 6 4:00 8:49 19:00 28:36 37:54 4:49 4:43 4:40 4:34 18:46 19:00 -0:14
Slim Pickens 6 - 14:17 23:56 33:20 42:22 5:28 4:56 4:44 4:28 19:36 19:00 0:36
Roman Nguyen 7 0 6:08 17:28 28:13 38:32 6:08 6:41 6:41 6:25 25:55 26:00 -0:05
Travis Koh 7 - 10:47 21:32 32:07 43:01 4:39 4:04 3:54 4:29 17:06 16:00 1:06
Neeraja Nambula 8 0:30 6:58 18:06 29:05 40:07 6:28 6:31 6:33 6:32 26:04 24:00 2:04
Norry McAllister 8 - 11:35 22:32 33:35 44:56 4:37 4:26 4:30 4:49 18:22 17:30 0:52
Marco Jaimes 9 6:00 10:31 22:25 35:13 48:06 4:31 4:25 4:57 4:58 18:51 17:30 1:21
Willie Liu (3 x 0.66) 9 - 18:00 30:16 43:08 - 7:29 7:51 7:55 - 23:15 28:30 -5:15
WVZ Trophy Winner: Bob Kemp & Bob Pickens
Bob Pickens and and Bob Kemp won the weekly trophy as they came closest to their predicted team time. And, Radha again did an excellent job of putting the teams together and getting them started. He also computed the results. The top runners for the guys were Radha at 16:26 and Kristina was the top woman at 16:37. Kristina was the 2nd fastest overall.
1/4/25 Farwell
1 Joseph Aubuchon 21:48.8
2 Dwayne Spencer 22:12.9 PR
3 Kristina Park 24:16.5 PR
4 Lin Sun 24:49.8 PR
5 Scott Bang 24:55.3
6 Norry McAllister 25:14.4
7 Marco Jaimes 25:40.A PR
8 Andy Williams 25:48.2
9 Bob Kemp 26:38.9
10 Ken Camet 27:07.3
11 Joe Cohn 31:33.7 PR
12 Dave McIntyre 32:18.7
13 Norm Takeuchi 32:39.8
14 Slim Pickens 32:29.8
15 Todd Hayes 33:38.1
16 Don Packwood 48:47.9
Saturday Trophy Winner – Dwayne Spencer
Small crowd for this 4th of January run with Joseph leading this first race of the year for the club. Dwayne Spencer was elated to run an all-time PR on his 23rd running of this course. Lin Sun, Kristina Park, and Marco Jaimes also ran PRs.